Keeping Food Aboard

Some people living aboard do not have any refrigeration like me. I go out of my way to find non-perishable foods that come packaged in single servings. As long as I don’t open the package when keeping food aboard it won’t spoil. Whatever food I have, it’s there safe until I want to use it.

Some sailboats have a designated spot in the galley with an icebox built in. Having to get ice strikes me as another unnecessary expense and hassle. Particularly when setting off on a voyage for a few days or more far from grocery stores, keeping ice from melting might work in cool weather but not otherwise.

Just how many canned goods can you store aboard? Hauling a heavy bunch of cans aboard can get tiring. Buying items in disposable bags, such as mashed potatoes and breakfast oatmeal is so easy. Items that need refrigeration means welcome variety, but they must be used the same day or the next.

Even with a small portable propane stove with a single burner, it’s amazing how much you can prepare. Just being able to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate it the cool early morning is a delight. A box of individual oatmeal packets is all you need for a hot nutritious breakfast over several mornings, just boil water.

Many people enjoy experimenting with all kinds of recipes on their little stove aboard. The deliciousness of what you can whip up when forced to do it in a small galley with few ingredients is a challenge. At the outdoor sports section in my local Walmart they have packs of shelf-stable food. Long-duration camping food come in packets with enough for several servings. Long shelf life camping food is ideal for keeping food aboard and can also be ordered online.